Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Computer Application

B.C.A. First Semester Exam Paper Nov/Dec 2009
Subject: Computer Application
Time Three Hours
Max Marks 80

Q1. Attempt the following :  Marks 20
  1. Define algorithm. Explain the properties of algorithm
  2. Explain characteristics of computer.
  3. Explain ASCII code.
  4. Explain light pen
a) Explain the block diagram of computer.      Marks 8
b) Explain the number system in detail.      Marks 7
c) Explain the CRT in detail.   Marks 8
d) Explain high level, low level and machine level language.   Marks 7

a) Differentiate between impact and non-impact printers.  Marks 8
b) Explain cache memory in detail.   Marks 7
c) What is flowchart? Give symbols of flowcharts.   Marks 8
d) Explain OMR in detail.    Marks 7

a) Give the difference between the third and fourth generation computer.  Marks 8
b) Explain compiler and interpreter in detail.   Marks 7
c) Explain types of communication.   Marks 8
d) Explain working of digitizer.    Marks 7

Q5. Write short notes on ( any three):

  1. bar code
  2. linker and loader
  3. zip driver
  4. touch screen
  5. web camera

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